Bespoke arrangements for special occasions and events.

Shop Blooms
Florist, Toronto, Custom, Florals, Flower Delivery


Shop our Blooms or use them as inspiration to design your custom florals. Check out our Instagram @sun.e.blooms for our latest creations.

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Home Collection x sun.e.blooms

The Home Collection x sun.e.blooms was launched by sisters, Megan and Gillian, who were searching for stylish and affordable modern home accessories. We wanted to share some of our favourite curated finds. Each accessory is named after the special women in our lives.


About Us

sun.e.blooms is a bespoke florist located in Toronto. No two flowers bloom the same, so each arrangement should be unique and tailored to your individual style. We work closely with our clients to choose colour palettes, select complementary flowers and source vessels. sun.e.blooms was founded by Gillian Silverhart in 2019. Our services include creating florals for gifts, events and design staging. We look forward to working with you.